The MindMAP Mastery 
Neuro-Coaching Diploma

Doors Re-Opening January 2025!

Learn how to deliver real-world
transformational coaching to real-world 

...and get out of this world results! 

Let’s face it, a LOT of coaching approaches that we’re taught just don’t seem to work that well in the real world.

  • You set goals with an enthusiastic client who seems happy to stretch themselves to reach them, they start out full of smiles and good intentions then BAM!… everything changes, the enthusiasm is gone and everything feels like too much hard work


  • You start out as an ally and an advocate for your the biggest dreams your clients hold about what their lives could look like after they achieve their transformation then POW!… they’re looking at you like you’re an adversary who’s making them do things they don’t want to do


  • You the create exact, specific and precise plans, programs and roadmaps your clients asked for then THUNK!… they drop it like it’s hot almost as soon as you give it to them

All this despite doing EVERYTHING the coaching experts have told you you're supposed to do

Motivational Interviewing - CHECK!
(You're an empathy
 machine supporting self-efficacy and optimism)

Finding Their Why - CHECK!
(They're dialled in to something bigger and more meaningful than they've ever been in their lives)

Setting Incremental Goals And  Designing A Plan For Achieving Them — CHECK!
(They have a crystal clear game-plan with checkpoints designed to keep them progressing regularly)

Accountability and Support - CHECK!
(They have regular meetings, calls, apps and a 1001 ways to contact you personally if they need you)

And yes, you’ve done LifeWheels, ensured the goals are SMART, used the GROW model, planned ahead for obstacles and roadblocks, created plans for developing resilience, increasing willpower and overcoming self-sabotage and STILL your clients do the one-step-forwards-two-steps-back dance that keeps them from getting to where they MOST want to go.

Sounds familiar, right?

Here’s the thing...

It’s not that you’re doing anything ‘wrong’.

In fact, in all likelihood you’re coaching ‘by the book’ applying and employing all the steps and strategies you’ve been taught and read about and you’ve no doubt got clients that are REALLY benefitting from them and achieving great things with your help.

Your success stories are AWESOME yet (like most coaches) you’ve probably got far too many clients who haven’t quite gotten to where they want to go (or are maybe still FAR from where they want to end up) and maybe even seem resistant to the EXACT same strategies that have worked for your superstar clients leading you to believe…

THEY don't want it badly enough and that despite nodding their heads and agreeing with you that MAYBE they aren't willing to pay the price to achieve what they SAY they want

THEY lack willpower and need more direction, instruction and accountability to 'get them' to do what needs to be done

THEY are self-sabotaging and doing things to actively hinder their chances of achieving whatever it is they hired you to help them with

YOU are failing them by not knowing enough about coaching to help them to create consistent improvement toward their goals

But what if NONE of this was
even remotely true?
(Hint: It's Not!)

Developed as a result of over 20 years of in-the-trenches coaching and marrying cutting-edge developments in neuroscience, psychology and behavioural sciences along with real-world of what it takes to not only create but maintain lasting transformation, The MindMAP Mastery Neuro-Coach Diploma offers coaches a scientific, systematic yet simple pathway to delivering world class coaching that works for REAL people with REAL problems who are living REAL lives.

Learn the TRUTH about what keeps people from experiencing their lives at at the highest level and develop a powerful and systematic approach to helping them to transform literally EVERY area of their lives (Hint: it's got NOTHING to do with goals, positive thinking, willpower or 'wanting it' badly enough)

Develop a knowledge base and skillset that moves you WAY beyond being a goal-setter, accountability partner or source of motivation and instead using a neuroscience-based approach that removes all the guesswork behind and helps you give your clients' brain EXACTLY what it needs to get back on track and start taking action

Experience unshakeable confidence in your approach to serving and helping others to transform their lives and finally leave behind all the doubt and uncertainty that most coaches feel about whether the approach you're taking is the right one

The MindMAP Mastery Neuro-Coaching
Diploma Truly Stands Apart From Other
Coach Certification Programs You May Have Heard Of

Easy to say, we know… but it’s true!

Not only was the MindMAP system one of the very first coaching certifications delivered from a basis of neuroscience rather than goals-based motivational psychology, but the program has been designed USING neuroscience to create a learning environment that accelerates learning and understanding and leads to RAPID skill development as a coach.

Also, our 200+ hour syllabus has been specifically designed to create consistent and measurable transformation in the lives of our COACHES and not just the clients they serve.

This is a VITAL ingredient that many coaching certifications miss out entirely; they teach coaches to transform lives but rarely do they transform the lives of their coaches.


We think that’s a HUGE mistake!

Transformational coaching can be challenging work for both client and coach alike and the very best ‘advertisement’ for sticking with it and ‘doing the work’ is without a doubt the transformational experience that the COACH has had in using what they’re sharing with their clients.

That’s why not only do we insist that our coaches apply the MindMAP coaching to themselves but that they actually EXPERIENCE MindMAP coaching too.

For that reason we’ve built in ‘coaching loops’ where our student coaches will practice both delivering and receiving MindMAP coaching around REAL problems, challenges and struggles so that they get REAL results in overcoming them and experiencing REAL transformation.

(No ‘role play’ exercises here, only REAL coaching!)

Most Coaching Programs Tend To Focus On
Their Clients' Goals...

...We Teach Our MindMAP Mastery Coaches To Focus On The Clients' BRAIN!

Unlike the fictional clients that most coaching certifications seem to build their approach around (you know, those people who get coached, get super inspired almost immediately and stay consistently motivated until the reach their goals) we prefer to build our approach around REAL people and the experiences they are having in life.

REAL people have REAL lives, REAL jobs, REAL challenges and REAL problems
 that often get in the way, slow down or even halt progress towards their goals and dreams entirely.

Traditional ‘straight line’, goal-centric coaching often ignores the reality of peoples lives by creating frameworks that put the goal first and foremost and tries to over-ride the often very ‘tangled’ environments and life-circumstances their clients are facing.


When their clients go off track (and clients ALWAYS go off track eventually) the main tools at their disposal are accountability, willpower, motivation and ‘focus on the why’ which invariably leads them back to re-setting and re-stating the goal in an repetitive loop.


But it’s PEOPLE that achieve goals and so surely the focus of the coaching should be on the REAL reasons that people AREN’T achieving them, don’t you think?

MindMAP Mastery Will Help You To FINALLY Understand What Makes People Tick, What Causes Them To Light Up & What Causes Them To Switch Off, Shut Down And Ignore What's Most Important To Them

The MindMAP Mastery Neuro-Coaching Diploma has been specifically designed to help you to master the understanding of what REALLY drives human behaviour and to deliver coaching that creates life-changing results by helping the brain to get what it needs to remain in the state that naturally, consistently and (almost) effortlessly acts upon what serves it best.


Because a brain that gets what it needs is the best tool for helping your clients get what they want.


That’s why many of the common coaching approaches either don’t work or only work sporadically for so many people; because the approach either doesn’t give the brain the VITAL information it needs to ‘stay online’ or worse, it actually creates scenarios that take away from what the brain needs and actually causes critical goal-focused areas to go 'OFFLINE' and detour from the actions and behaviours that are most skilful.


MindMAP Mastery addresses this with coaching strategies that get to the root causes of behaviour meaning that your clients spend far less time being unskilful and far more time skilfully working toward what’s most important to them.

Rather than wandering around in the wilderness trying to figure out why your clients are acting in opposition to what they SAY is most important to them and trying to understand their 'mindset' you'll be able to go upstream, tap into their 'brainset' and understand not only what's REALLY going on but what you need to do to help them get back on track faster, easier and more simply than ever.

So, What Does The
Program Include?

The MindMAP Mastery Neuro-Coach Diploma is a 200+ hour program with more than 50 coaching tools delivered online through both website and app format allowing you to access your trainings at the time and place that’s most convenient to you.


Simply login, pop in your headphones and you’re good to go.


The Program Includes:

Short instructional trainings lasting no more than 30 minutes that allow you to grasp an important aspect of the MindMAP approach without overwhelming you with too much new information at once

REAL WORLD examples of how to take what you've just learned and apply them practically in your own life and the lives of your clients so that you're not stuck with theoretical concepts that you don't have a clue how to implement

Audio recordings of every training session or example conversation so that you can listen on the go or simply repeat your exposure to the material so that it embeds deeper

Workbooks and printed materials for you to use as you work through and keep track of your development and use as a reference for your coaching

Online Assessments and Quizzes to test your understanding of what you're learning and help you to keep track of your progress

Monthly Live Q&A Calls where you can ask literally ANYTHING related to your coaching practice and get detailed and highly personal answers that you can apply immediately to your coaching to get better results

Access To The MindMAP Mastery Community where you can discuss what you're learning with other students and graduates of the program, ask questions or share your own experiences

And the good news is that the program has been designed for you to learn at your own pace to fit around your own real-life schedule.

If you love deep-dive learning and want to do 10 hours a week of study on the program then there’s nothing stopping you and if you’re more into a slow, steady and consistent approach to learning then that’s fine too.


You won’t get any deadline pressure from us and you won’t get locked out of the platform after a certain time either.


Once you enrol you’ll have access for as long as the program exists so regardless of what your schedule is like you can be sure to fit it in.

Who Is MindMAP Mastery For?

MindMAP was originally created for personal trainers and health coaches who were struggling to find a way to help their clients to stick with their plans for long enough to actually get the results they were paying for.

Until MindMAP Mastery came along  the most common approaches all revolved around motivational interviewing, goal-setting, accountability, positive thinking and various other ‘mindset’ approaches that were often focused on developing willpower and ‘pushing through’ sticking points.


Needless to say, these approaches didn’t work particularly well for long term transformation.


People can often ‘willpower through’ things that they don’t really want to do for short periods of time but when the willpower runs out then the actions that accompany it stop too.


When PT’s and health coaches first started using the MindMAP approach they were stunned not only by its simplicity but by how amazingly EFFECTIVE it was at creating not only short term change but lasting transformation in their clients.


Without resorting to willpower.

Without requiring accountability.

Without excessive focus on goals.


Their clients were not only GETTING  amazing results but KEEPING them in the long-term which was almost unheard of in the PT and health coaching realms at the time.


Since then MindMAP has been taught to coaches and therapists from pretty much ANY field you can name with the same results:

Health and wellness coaching

Relationship coaching

Business coaching

Corporate coaching

Confidence coaching

Youth coaching

Pastoral coaching

Resilience/anxiety/stress coaching

And a LOT more besides!

So these days when we're asked who MindMAP Mastery is for the answer is...

...Anyone Who Is Committed To Making A Difference In The World Through Helping Others To Transform Themselves And The Experience Of
Their Lives

To date that has included not just coaches but teachers, preachers, doctors, team leaders, high level managers and leaders, corporate CEO's, military leaders, entrepreneurs and parents who wanted to better understand their children and help them to grow and flourish naturally.

To put it simply, if you've always felt in your heart that you truly want to show up in the world doing work that matters, changing lives, making a difference and leaving a legacy but you always wondered if you had the knowledge, skill and ability to do so then MindMAP Mastery will provide you with the clarity, the competence, the confidence and the community to accomplish all this and more.

And not only for your clients, but for you too!

Do I Need Coaching Experience To Understand And Benefit From The Program?

The short answer is no.


While it’s true that MindMAP Mastery draws many students from other coaching disciplines it’s certainly not the case that prior coaching experience or qualification is necessary to get the most out of the program.


In fact, we’re increasingly finding that more and more of our students are brand-new to coaching or that their coaching has been informal and instinctive rather than the result of a specific education they’ve received.


Regardless, it doesn’t matter if you’re a 20 year coaching veteran or completely new to coaching, we’re confident that the program will be a good fit for you.

Despite the program being based in neuroscience we take great pride in the fact that our students tell us that the WAY we share and speak about our topics is very down-to-earth, mostly jargon-free and easy to understand.


That’s not to say that we ‘dumb down’ anything we’re teaching but rather that we teach to be understood and so that what we’ve taught can be immediately applied and we’ve found that plan language, metaphor and story often works far better for achieving that than run-on sentences filled with unpronounceable and confusing words and phrases.


(Don’t worry, you’ll learn all the real scientific terminology and we won’t cut corners but the aim is not to turn people into walking encyclopaedias of words they’ll never use in real life but rather, to help them to become truly great coaches)

And if you DO have a lot of
coaching experience?

Even if you’ve been coaching for 20 years or more there’s likely to be a lot in the MindMAP Mastery program that you’ve never come across before or, even if you have, you haven’t used in the way we’ll be teaching you throughout the program.


At least, that’s been our experience of working with some of the VERY experienced and VERY well qualified coaches that have attended the program so far who’ve often described it as ‘the missing link’ between the coaching theory they’d read and the coaching REALITY they actually experienced.


Anyone who’s been a coach for a while knows that the gap between the two is often ENORMOUS with the lab-like theories often not matching up to the life-like experiences of their clients.


MindMAP closes the gap between the two by ensuring that EVERY theory we teach has an exact, specific and precise PRACTICAL counterpart that can be used in the real world to bring about consistent and predictable results.

What are people saying about MindMAP Mastery?

The missing link!

Finally someone took the aspects of human potential, personal development, psychology, neurology, human behaviour, mindset, brainset and the human body... and made it human!

I think my favourite thing about it is that it meets the needs of my logic-driven, explanation-needing self along with my pondering, curious, semi-hippy spiritual side.

MindMAP has been completely life-changing for me. 

It's the missing link!

Leanne Ellington

Author of the best selling How To Ditch The Bitch and Creator of The Internationally Acclaimed Self-Image Solution Program

World class!

To be honest, I felt a little out of my depth when I saw some of the other 'fitness celebrities' in the group but after just one coaching session I started to realise that anybody is capable of being world class if you just follow and live by the MindMAP principles.

It's so simple and massively effective not just for clients but for yourself and your own relationships.

Well worth the investment to be surrounded by this bunch of world-class coaches!

Rob Stevens

Former ISKA World Kickboxing Champion, Personal Trainer And Mens Coach

I Don't Want It To End!

MindMAP is really special.

I've learned so much about myself in just a few months (I've even found I have a human brain, even though I wasn't using it very much before)

I never thought an online course would hold my attention enough. I thought I might get bored and not do the work but it's been the complete opposite.

I've actually slowed up listening to the lessons because I don't want to get to the end.

Katra Hamilton

Women's Confidence Coach and Founder of 12 Rounds Boxing

The Next MindMAP Mastery Neuro-Coaching Diploma Opens For Enrolment
In January 2025!

(Pre-register today to receive early notification and save up to £400 off your enrolment fee)

Due to our commitment to ensuring that our students get the best support and guidance possible during their time on the program we limit our intake to just 150 new students at a time so if you want to be sure that you won’t miss out then you’re invited to get on our presale list today.

It's simple to do, just pop your name and best email address in the box below and we'll notify you a full 24 hours before we announce enrolment to the general public allowing you to effectively jump to the head of the line and secure your place before those 150 spots are taken.

And by way of recognising your early commitment we'll throw in a fairly hefty discount on your enrolment fee too.

Register For The Presale Notification And Discount Code Here!

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© Copyright 2024 MindMAP Mastery and the Dax Moy Group Of Companies - All Rights Reserved

Join our pre-enrolment list and get 48 hours head start and up to £400 discount on your tuition!

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