STOP IT!! – Why So Many Approaches To Client Transformation Are Failing

A client goes to a health coach with a struggle sticking with their diet plan and they say “Here’s a NEW diet plan… stick with it and you’ll get GREAT results” A client comes goes to a fitness coach with a struggle sticking with their exercise plan and they say “Here’s a NEW exercise plan……

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Is Willpower Costing Your Clients Their BEST Results?

Have you ever noticed how willpower is often held up as a virtue when it comes to creating new habits? In fact, most coaches use the development of willpower as a ‘power tool’ in their coaching and pretty much tell their clients that without it, they’ll likely never reach their goals. And, you know, in…

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Q -“How Do I Find High End Clients?” | A – The Answer Is NOT What You Think!

In today’s Coaching Academy video Dax Moy, creator of the Enlightened Coach, shares with you another Q&A designed for Personal Coaching, Life Coaching and your Coaching Business. Today he talks about attracting and finding the best high end clients for your business. Hey guys it’s me Dax coming to live and direct from the Beverly…

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Coaching Academy – “How Do I Stop Being So Teachy?” | Tribal Q&A 1

In today’s Coaching Academy video Dax Moy, creator of the Enlightened Coach, shares with you another Q&A designed for Personal Coaching, Life Coaching and your Coaching Business. Today he answers Scott’s question on how to become less ‘Teachy’ in his online coaching program. ========= Transcript ========= Hey Tribe, it’s me Dax coming at you live…

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Are Your Clients Running To Mummy?

As a coach, working with eating behaviours can be difficult and frustrating, probably because we put so much emphasis on the macros and micros, the calories, the number of ‘feeds’ per day without ever coming to understand that these areas are pretty much irrelevant to most of our clients. NOT because highly nutritious foods aren’t…

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Brene Brown On Blame

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Are You THREATENING Your Clients?

Most coaches don’t have a clue about the threat that their approach create in their clients’ lives. They’ve no idea that their advice and instructions actually cause a HUGE threat response that creates fight, flight and freeze in clients who would otherwise be MOST responsive. What does the 3F look like in practice? How can you…

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Do These 6 Year Olds Understand Neuroscience Better Than YOU?

Most coaches tend to believe that they know all about what it takes to create transformation in behaviour, mood and emotion yet when you start speaking to them about what’s REALLY going on in their clients’ minds and brains, they tend to base their answers on subjective observations rather than the known science behind it…

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