#1 - Sleep, Stress & Threat

Galen Lundin asks...
From a hierarchy standpoint what comes first, sleep or stress/threat? Or are they on the same level?
Dax Moy
Can you ask that in a different way?
Galen Lundin
Ok so fatigue is a form of threat, and yes stress can prevent proper rest which leads to more fatigue. So is there a 1) 2) application here in terms of what is more important? I’m trying to put together an info graphic, but I also think it’s a chicken/egg concept
Dax Moy
Bit chicken and eggy for sure.
Yes, fatigue ‘makes cowards of us all’ which is to say that when fatigued were less resilient and far more sensitive to threat triggers.
One of the reasons that armies everywhere and particularly elite and special forces units use sleep deprivation is to see how someone is likely to process their environment in wartime. It’s the closest thing that we can do to give a soldier the experience of war. Make them tired. VERY tired.
The math SHOULD be easy in terms of hierarchy and should add up in favour of sleep deprivation being the bigger threat.
However, we need to address the REASON for being deprived sleep. A hyper vigilant brain won’t sleep (that’s my PTSD stuff right there) and so fatigue becomes the effect rather than the cause. Get rid of the threat and you start to sleep better.
Short answer; always look to primary cause/effect relationships